Professional Experience

Resume, jobs, speaking engagements, teaching experience, and all the official stuff.

Speaking Engagements


Conferences, Webinars, Workshops and Participatory Sessions.


Partnerships with academic institutions, NGOs, Fortune 500 companies & governments.

Educational Workshops

  • Office Hours: Inclusive Innovation for CGI U Commitment Makers (2021, USA)
    Place: Virtual. Event: The 13th annual CGI U 2021 Virtual Meeting Organizer: Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), an initiative of the Clinton Foundation.
  • Outcome Based Thinking and Impact Assessment (2019, Mexico)
    Place: Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA). Event: Workshop for Students of the undergraduate program of International Relations. Organizer: Negotendencias UNIVA.
  • Service Delivery Analysis & Impact Assessment (2019, USA)
    Place: The New School. Event: Workshop for Students of the Graduate Program in International Affairs. Organizer: The New School.
  • International Cooperation at the local level: Cities in the Global Arena (2019, Mexico)
    Place: University of Guadalajara. Event: Workshop for students of the International Studies program. Organizer: University of Guadalajara.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for Social Impact (2019, USA)
    Place: Cornell Tech University. Event: Workshop for members of the Clinton Global Initiative Alumni Network. Organizer: The Clinton Global Initiative University & Cornell Tech.
  • Working with Government 101: Challenges for Start-ups (2019, USA)
    Place: Zahn Innovation Center of the City College of New York (CCNY). Event: Individual sessions with entrepreneurs from the Zahn Innovation Center Organizer: The Zahn Innovation Center & The NYC Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
  • Service Delivery Analysis & Impact Assessment (2018, USA)
    Place: The New School. Event: Workshop for Students of the Graduate Program in International Affairs. Organizer: The New School.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for Social Entrepreneurs Webinar Series (2018, USA)
    Place: Clinton Global Initiative University. Event: Series of three virtual webinars for 10K CGI U global student network Organizer: The Clinton Global Initiative University & The New School.

Community Engagement & Participatory Design

  • World Projects Civic Technology: Civic Engagement (2020, USA)
    Place: Columbia University. Event Type: Participatory design to support NYC Civic Engagement Commission with civic innovation experts from across NYC. Organizer: Columbia World Projects & NYC Civic Engagement Commission.
  • Challenges for Immigrant communities in Northern Manhattan (2019, USA)
    Place: Zahn Innovation Center. Event Type: Participatory Issue Mapping. Organizer: The NYC Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer & Zahn Innovation Center
  • Building Community Power: Challenges in Inwood & Washington Heights (2019, USA)
    Place: Alianza Dominicana. Event Type: Five Issue Mapping Participatory Workshops: Housing, Arts & Culture, Education, Small Businesses, and Health Organizer: The NYC Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
  • Challenges for housing organizers in Latinx communities (2019, USA)
    Place: Mahattan, NYC. Event Type: Issue mapping exercise with local housing organizers and lawyers regarding the challenges to prevent tenant harassment and displacement Organizer: The NYC Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer and The NYC Housing, Preservation and Development.
  • #PosNoMeSubo: Transportation alternatives for Guadalajara (2013, Mexico)
    Place: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Event Type: Open space town hall w/ 300 people, five participatory workshops, and peaceful protest. Organizer: Myself.

Teaching Experience

  • Innovation in Public Service (2021 - Present, NYC)
    Place: Cornell Tech. Program: Milstein Program in Technology & Humanity. Role: Visiting Lecturer. Key topics: Public Interest Tech; Civic Tech; Experiential Learning; Local Development.
  • Technology resources for the protection of Information (2018, Mexico)
    Place: Universidad de Guadalajara. Program: Master in Transparency and Personal Data Protection. Role: Professor. Key topics: Cyber-security and systems management.

Award Selection Committees

“ We must work together to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth, opportunity, and power in our society.

Nelson Mandela - State of the Nation Address, Parliment, Cape Town, South Africa, February 9, 1996


It’s all a team effort.


If you are interested in working together contact me by sending a message here.