A few thoughts about this space
The deep and painful inequalities of our societies undeniably limit our abilities to live a life with dignity,
where our civic, political, economic and cultural human rights are respected.
It is our collective duty to challenge such inequalities however daunting and complex they may be.
This space aims to share the lessons and ideas I have learned throughout my career on urban development.
Oscar J. Romero Jr.
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See professional experienceOscar Romero is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the NYC Civic Engagement Commission. His work focuses on leveraging technology, innovation, and global partnerships to increase participatory democracy, and address urban inequality across underrepresented communities in New York City.
Oscar leads Diversity in Tech NYC, an annual event to discuss key challenges to improve diversity in the tech industry. As a NYC public servant, he has served in multiple emergency response task-forces on topics such as: preventing tenant harassment; preventing child abuse online during the Covid-19 pandemic, and providing mental health services for newly arrived Ukrainian refugees.
He oversaw the design of multiple global innovation partnerships to address urban development challenges in the US, Europe, and Latin America: on urban inequality, violence prevention, housing rights protection, access to critical infrastructure, tech workforce development, access to STEAM education, and access to mental health services.
Oscar is a Visiting Practitioner Fellow and lecturer at Cornell Tech, holds a M.A. in International Affairs from The New School, a B.S. in International Studies from the University of Guadalajara, and a Computer and Information Science Technologist Degree from Center for Industrial Technical Education.
Prior to becoming NYC government’s youngest CIO, Oscar worked for The NYC Office of Technology and Innovation, and The New School’s Digital Equity Laboratory where he researched the inequality created by the architecture of the telecommunications infrastructure networks both in the context of the US and across the Americas.
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